
Aktive Direkt Hilfe e.V.
Jan 2022

Annual Report 2021: Additional School Building in Mabala

Additional School Building in Mabala

After building a well for drinking water for our school by the middle of this year, the parents of our students initiated and supported the making of 10,000 bricks for another school building. In 2018, our school started out with three classrooms each for grade 7 and 8. Each year, we added new grades, and this school year we needed 2 more classrooms for the agricultural and veterinarian section of grade 11.

Besides the bricks, we needed wood and corrugated metal sheets for the roof, windows, doors and cement for the protection of the walls against rain as well as for the floors and outside patios. ADH contributed the needed finances to purchase these items and paid the workers. The work went well and now everybody is very thankful for the two new classrooms as well as a new room for the teachers.

Thank God, the corona virus is not so prevalent in Congo as in other countries, so that our school can stay open and the students attend classes. ADH continues to pay the teachers, but our hope is that the Ministry of Education will soon take over that responsibility, since our school has been registered as a government school since the beginning.

The school principal, Agronom Philemon, also started a new project with the students of the agriculture department in front of the school buildings, where they plant vegetables, and everyone has to take care of their own strip from the field.

Joseph made good progress in his work in Nsioni which is very encouraging to see how he invests the funds we gave him for this farming project. He made a gate for the farm, also built a boat for the fishponds and made a new channel to feed the ponds with water.

ADH decided to start a new micro finance project with our local manager Jean. He needs support for vegetable seeds to make progress on his agricultural project on the Plateau de Bateke, East of Kinshasa.

On ADH’s yearly meeting – again online – we confirmed Lenka’s niece Tereza as a new association member. She has been helping us already since a while with the Instagram and other work she can do online and we are very happy to have another young person join our team.

After many years, Lenka was able to see Madlen who visited supporters in Hungary for a few days after her medical treatment. She found out that since Madlen’s new school buildings are finished, she is now looking into getting inside equipment.

A big milestone has been the finalization and printing of our book. After years of writing “Change the World with Love” in three languages (German, English and Czech), months of proofreading and working together with our graphic designer, the books are finally printed and ready for distribution! We hope that this book, in addition to all the work we can do on the ground, will help the people of Congo make great progress at the national and international levels. You can find more information on the book website, which is still being worked on.

Joseph transportiert Material zu seiner Farm.Die Arbeiter bauten die Wände recht dick & schnell.Joseph arbeitet am Tor für seine Farm.Jeans Farm auf dem Plateau de BatekeDie Arbeiten im Inneren – Fußböden und TafelnDie Arbeiten im Inneren – Fußböden und Tafeln2.000 Bücher sind angekommen – auf Deutsch, Tschechisch und Englisch.Gemüsefelder vor und hinter der Schule für die Ausbildung der SchülerGemüsefelder vor und hinter der Schule für die Ausbildung der SchülerAgronom und Schuldirektor Philemon bringt den Schülern bei, wie man Spinat anbaut.Unser TrinkwasserbrunnenSchüler/innen im neuen Schulgebäude10.000 neue Ziegel für 2 weitere KlassenzimmerDie Arbeiter bauten die Wände recht dick & schnell.Ein lokaler Schreiner in Aktion ...... stellt Fenster und Türen für die Schule her.... stellt Fenster und Türen für die Schule her.Verputzen der Wände zum Schutz vor RegenDas neue Schulgebäude, mit erster Farbe

Vielen Dank für all Eure Hilfe!

Schulgebäude für Mushapo


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